News and Views from GPA:
Recently Closed Transactions
GPA has recently closed four transactions ranging in revenue size from $3.2 M to $14 M. All were located in the Mid-west.
Pending Transaction Closings
GPA is currently working on several transactions, all in the early stages of developing a CIM (information package) that will provide interested, prospective buyers information about the companies. Gross revenue range is $6 M to $16 M. Market areas are; Southeast, Northeast and Western USA.

Regards, Gary
Gary Penrod, CBSE
Managing Associate, Gary Penrod and Associates, Inc.
PS I invite you to contact me directly about any questions or comments that you may have about what is written here. Also, please feel free to contact me about any questions that you may have about the acquisition process, valuation, or about companies that may be for sale. gp